
Consultation response - SPT Regional Transport Strategy Case for Change

18 June 2021

This consultation response comments on the SPT Regional Transport Strategy Case for Change report, which sets out a new Vision and proposed targets for the SPT region. 

Consultation response - Strategic Transport Projects Review 2: Phase 1 Report Recommendations

31 March 2021

This consultation response comments on the Phase 1 report of the Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 (STPR2), and outlines a series of themes and recommendations, for transport infrastructure investment in Scotland.

Consultation response - Highway Code - high speed roads and motorways

30 March 2021

This consultation response comments on the proposed recommended changes to the Highway Code for motorways and high speed roads. In our response, we note and comment on the proposed changes to the rules on tailgating, road works and approaching junctions.

Consultation response - Scottish Law Commission Automated Vehicles Regulatory Framework

19 March 2021

We believe that automated vehicles should have as a minimum a user-in-charge at all times. The user-in-charge should be deemed an active user and should be held accountable, in the same way a driver would in a conventional vehicle. Automated vehicles pose significant negative safety risks for people cycling, and the safety concerns of people cycling, and other vulnerable road users, have not been considered with regards to automated vehicles.

Consultation response - National Planning Framework 4 Position Statement

22 February 2021

We largely welcome the commitments outlined in the Position Statement. We welcome recognition of the importance of cycling and active travel, in preference to single occupancy private car use, for planning for net-zero, for resilient communities, for a wellbeing economy, and for creating greener and better places and spaces. Whilst recognition of this is important, questions remain on how such commitments will be implemented.

Consultation response - Ending the longer semi-trailer trial (Department for Transport)

26 January 2021

We are firmly opposed to any widespread roll-out of longer semi-trailer (LST) vehicles, as this would have a significant negative safety impact for vulnerable road users, including from kick-out or tail-swing from the vehicles. LST vehicles should not be allowed on local roads, which are the roads predominantly used by people cycling, and, if their use were to be permitted, should be restricted to motorways and the trunk road dual carriageway network.

Consultation response - Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 Strategy

21 January 2021

Road transport is the single largest emitting sector in Scotland. We need to reduce vehicle traffic and prioritise cycling, walking, wheeling, and public transport. Alongside measures to encourage modal shift to active and sustainable modes, measures to reduce demand for cars and decisions on the allocation of investment in the transport system need to be taken.

Consultation response - Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee call for evidence – Climate Change Plan update (CCPu)

12 January 2021

Transport continues to be the single largest source of emissions in Scotland, accounting for 35.6% of emissions in 2018. Between 1990 and 2018, there has been a 93% increase in LGV (van) emissions, the largest percentage increase of all transport modes, which is of great concern. This highlights that much remains to be done to cut emissions in the transport sector. It is clear more radical action is needed to reduce vehicle emissions in Scotland in the next few years, rather than the next few decades.

Consultation response - Department for Transport 48 tonne intermodal freight trial

16 December 2020

We are firmly opposed to a trial of 48 tonne maximum laden weight on specific routes. Increasing the permitted weight from 44 to 48 tonnes will have significant negative safety implications, particularly for vulnerable road users like people cycling. Heavy goods vehicles are a significant risk to people cycling on the road, at their current weight and size. This risk will be amplified and further increased with heavier vehicles.

Consultation response - Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2030

20 November 2020

Significant progress has been made on reducing road casualties during the term of the current road safety framework. The exception is reducing serious injuries amongst people cycling: cycling casualties are increasing, in line with the continuing rise in people cycling.

Consultation response - Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan for Scotland

19 November 2020

Infrastructure investment needs to explicitly recognise the need to reduce climate change impacts and greenhouse gas emissions. New road building should be at the bottom of the investment hierarchy and it needs to be ensured that investment in cycling, walking, and wheeling infrastructure is prioritised.

Consultation response - Permitted Development Rights (PDR) Phase 1

16 November 2020

We welcome the proposal in the consultation to introduce permitted development rights in multiple settings for storage facilities for bikes in the front garden area of properties.

Making it easier to install or erect cycle storage will increase opportunities for safe and secure bike storage and provide a significant incentive to encourage cycling.

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